Syllabus: MSC 517- Production and Operations Management

MSC 517: Production and Operations Management

Course Objectives

Credits: 3

Lecture Hours: 48

This course aims to impart knowledge and skills of production and operations management to students so that they can relate the theoretical aspects with real world operations.

Course Description

The course contains basic concepts and introduction, production planning and scheduling, materials management, managing for quality and optimization techniques

Course Details:

Unit1: Basic Concepts and Introduction                                                                             LH 6

Concept,   Transformation   model,   manufacturing   versus   Service   operations,   Historical Development of Operations Management, Types of production system, operations strategy, global view of operations, achieving competitive advantage though operations, concept and types of Productivity.

Unit 2: Production planning and scheduling                                                                      LH 14

Product development: Operational issues in product life cycle; product development process, Quality function deployment, value engineering, Manufacturing process and service process, Capacity planning decisions, aggregate planning strategies, location planning: strategic importance of location, Factors affecting location decisions, methods of evaluating location alternatives, layout strategies: strategic importance of layout decisions, Types of layout, Designing product layout: Assembly line balance, Overview of the operations planning and scheduling system, loading, priority sequencing, forward scheduling and backward scheduling, expediting, optimized production technology

Unit 3: Materials Management                                                                                           LH 8

Objectives and importance of material management, procurement activities, Material Handling, warehousing,  Inventory  management,  Inventory  costs,  Inventory  control  system,  Material Requirement Planning (MRP), ABC Inventory planning system,

Unit 4: Managing for Quality                                                                                            LH 6

Introduction,   definitions   of   quality,   concepts   of   Total   quality   management,   Quality management  system, 7  tools  for  the  quality  journey,  Quality  costs,  Six-Sigma,  Statistical process control, control charts for variables and attributes, acceptance sampling, process capability

Unit 5: Optimization Techniques                                                                                       LH 14

Linear programming: Introduction to Linear programming problem, general statement of linear programming problem, Formulation of linear programming problem, Assumptions underlying linear programming, some special cases in linear programming, Simplex method, Solution  to  maximization  problems,  solution  to  minimization  problems,  Big-M  method, Duality in linear programming problem, Economic interpretation of duality, concept on sensitivity analysis

Transportation problem: Vogel’s Approximation method (VAM) for generating initial basic feasible solution, Testing Optimality condition, Balanced and unbalanced transportation problem, closed path formation, Maximization problem

Assignment problem: Introduction, solution of Minimization and maximization of assignment problem by Hungarian Method, balanced and unbalanced assignment problem.

Suggested Readings

1.    Stevenson, W.(2012). Operations Management.11th ed. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.

2.   Vohra N.D., (2004). Quantitative Techniques in Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw- Hill.

3.   Hillier  F.S.,Liberman  G.J.  (2005).  Introduction  to  Operations  Research:  Concepts  and cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.

4.   Adam, E and Ebert R. (2007). Production and operations management Concepts, Models and Behaviour.5th ed. New Delhi: Prentice -Hall of India Private Limited.

5.   Krajewski  L, Ritzman L., Malhotra, M.(2007): Operations Management Process and Value Chains.8 ed. New Delhi: Prentice Hall.

6.   Chase Richard B., Aquilano Nicholas J and Jacobs F. Robart (1999):   Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services, 8th edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi

7.   Sthapit , A. B, Yadav R. P, Tamang G. , Dhital S. and Adhikari P. (2015). Production and Operations Management. Kathmandu: Asmita Books Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd.

8.   Shrestha S. and Silwal D. (2057). Production and Operations Management. Kathmandu: Taleju Prakashan

9.   Regmi L., Joshi P.R. ,Chaudhary A.K., & Fago G, . (2012). Production and operations management. Kathmandu: Buddha Publication

10.  Karki D., Timilsina, P…(2021). Production and operations management. Kathmandu: Advance Saraswati Publication

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